In A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens they forshadow a wine spill in chapter 5. From a narrator looking from aboves prospective it was pretty messy. A huge cask of wine was dropped and shattered. No matter what someone was doing or how important it was, they stopped and began to rush over to the wine. People were doing anything to get some wine. People were trying every way possible to get some. Any way they could they would get it. Some kneeled and made scoops with there hands. Some women used hand-kerchiefs from women's heads. "This wine was red wine, and had stained the ground of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine, in Paris, where it was spilled". The wine stayed everywhere on the ground red. "there was little roughness in the sport" says Charles Dickens. Everyone was playful and just having fun getting the wine. "There was no drainage to carry off the wine". So, there was no possible way for the wine to go any where besides people's mouths or bags because there was no drain to get rid of it. It was an eventful thing to watch. People were very desperate to drink the wine.
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